Number: 57/20
7th August 2020
Do You Have What it Takes?
Services for Independent Living (SIL) has been supporting disabled people and those who need care in their homes since 1996 and is constantly adapting to respond to the challenges thrown up by changes in social care. We now want to expand our Board membership and are looking for new trustees to help shape the future growth of this successful, not-for-profit organisation.
By becoming a trustee you will make a real difference to the lives of the people we support and also help to develop the business and ensure it thrives for another 25 years and beyond.
As a trustee you will be required to attend the monthly Board meetings, held on a Thursday morning, where you will be encouraged to use your skills and experience to join in discussions and make decisions about the future of the organisation.
Angela Higham, Chair of SIL’s Trustees, said: “We would especially welcome anyone who is living with a disability or is a family carer. An understanding of health or social care policy is desirable, and experience within a financial, management or personnel role would be helpful.
“SIL will pay your travel expenses, but more importantly this role offers you the chance to learn new skills and keep existing ones up to date.”
If you would like to find out more, please contact the CEO, Euan McPherson. You are most welcome to join a Board meeting as an observer if you would like to see how Board meetings are conducted.
For more information please call us on 01568 616653 or email:
Or visit our website