What We Provide


Keeping your accounts up to date

The direct payment support team has years of experience and can offer a fast, accurate and reliable service.

Receiving direct payments or a personal health budget will put you in control of your care but it brings other responsibilities which may seem a little daunting. You will need to account for the money, report back to the council or funding body and ensure any invoices are paid.  Our team can support you with this, we offer two options:

Own account:

Taking the stress out of accounting for where the money goes…

  • You hold the funding in your own separate bank account.
  • You pay the bills and invoices for the services you receive.
  • SIL completes the income and expenditure forms for monitoring reports required by your funding body or the council.  We will complete these from monthly bank statements, direct payment/personal health budget remittance advice and any payments or receipts which relate to your direct payment.
  • You will need to provide us with these items.
Managed account:

Providing an opportunity for those not wishing to hold the funds to still have the benefit and control of their own care through a direct payment/ personal health budget…

  • SIL can hold the funding on your behalf
  • We will pay all invoices relating to your direct payment/personal health budget
  • We complete any necessary reports for your funding body and liaise with them on your behalf
  • Where appropriate we can adapt these services to ensure that you gain as much or as little support that you require to achieve your independence.
Benefits of our Bookkeeping Service
  • As little or as much assistance as you need to manage the financial aspects of having a direct payment or personal health budget
  • A free initial meeting to discuss your requirements.
  • Confidentiality and discretion
  • Friendly, experienced and helpful team
  • Flexible and adaptable approach
  • Competitive charges
  • Follow up meetings as and when required to be tailored to individual needs
  • A high level of support offered to individuals to develop their knowledge and confidence in the use of their direct payments.
  • Service users are given legal and appropriate advice in line with the Department of Health & Social Care (DOHSC) DP guidance and the Council’s policies and procedures.

By supporting service users we are able to help them liaise with social workers and financial monitoring officers in council and discuss their concerns or queries. We can support individuals to learn how to manage their own account and move away from using the service with an agreed plan.

For full details of our charges click here.

Further Information

How do I sign up to the bookkeeping service?

What if I want to hold my own funds?


Making sure your Personal Assistant (PA)or buddy gets paid on time.

SIL operates a Payroll Service for employers who employ their own PAs or buddy.  We understand the issues which are specific to this field of employment and can take the hassle out of managing your own payroll and the responsibilities which this entails, including enrollment into workplace pensions..

We offer a fast, accurate and reliable payroll service which is up to date with all current legislation. We offer full support, explanation and advice to employers and are able to tailor the service accordingly.

Payroll Service Benefits
  • Confidentiality
  • Flexible and adaptable approach
  • Takes the concern out about confusing, complex legislation changes
  • Safeguarding against penalties for non-compliance
  • Processing and quick turnaround of monthly timesheets
  • Competitive rates
  • Dealing with starters, leavers, Statutory Sick Pay, Statutory Maternity Pay, Student loans and all HMRC (Inland Revenue) queries
  • Production of payslips and summary reports
  • Processed to current HMRC statutory requirements
  • RTI on-line filing
  • HMRC accredited software
  • Support to calculate holiday pay and redundancy pay
  • Processing of pension contributions
  • Pension administration service to take the worry out of auto-enrolment

If you would like to know more about our tailored payroll service please call us today on 01568 616653 or contact us here.

Further Information

How do I Enrol with the SIL Payroll Service?

What do I do when taking on New Employees?

How do I let payroll know my PA’s hours?

How do I pay my Quarterly Payments to HM Revenue and Customs?

What do I do about holiday pay and sick pay?

What statutory payments are my PA’s entitled to?

Can I pay mileage expenses?

Deductions from my PA’s Earnings

What happens if my PA is leaving?

What changes should I let payroll know about?

Pension Administration Service

Employment Support

Help to employ your own PA or buddy

For some people the greatest benefit of receiving a DP or PHB is that they can employ their own staff. They may be someone they already know or just to have guaranteed consistency in the person or team providing their care. 

Becoming an employer comes with a whole range of responsibilities which needn’t daunt you if you think you would like to do so. SIL offers ad hoc advice, or can provide a monthly Direct Payment Support Service Contract which includes the following:
  • Employment law advice and guidance
  • Recruitment Support (Developing job descriptions, advertising, interviewing)
  • Support with employment contracts and DBS checks
  • Identifying training for PAs and buddies
  • Support with grievances and disciplinary action
  • Support to set up employers’ liability insurance
  • Health and Safety advice
  • Access to detailed guidance and factsheets relating to DPs
  • We provide all new employers with a ‘Guide to Employing your PA’
  • Regular SIL Bulletins highlighting changes in legislation and topics that are relevant to people receiving DPs
  • An annual review

Our DP Advisors have many years of experience working with people who receive a DP. Their extensive knowledge means that they can provide professional advice and guidance quickly and effectively, helping you to get the best from your DP and support you as an employer.  Giving you the right advice to keep you safe when recruiting your own staff.

We offer coaching and support to develop your skills and confidence in relation to employing your own staff and managing your Direct Payment.

In order to help reduce the challenges faced for the person receiving a DP, we also offer the Bookkeeping Service and Payroll services to support people with the requirements of employing staff and managing their DP. If you are thinking about taking, or have been accepted for a DP please feel free to contact us to discuss your requirements. 01568 616653 or email: dpss@s4il.co.uk