Herefordshire InterFaith Group

Healing the Mind

Herefordshire Interfaith Group continues with a series of online zoom meetings designed provide an alternative route for healing the mind through the shared knowledge of their faiths, meditation, music and readings.

All welcome – those of all faiths or none, please register in advance: email to or tel: 01981 500764

Tues 18th January from 6.45 for a 7pm start to 8.30pm.
Healing the Mind (part 2):
How to use Mindful practices to relax and bring your mind to rest.

As usual we will draw on the wisdom of our spiritual traditions to help us explore this theme though readings, meditations, contemplation and music with contributions from Karim, Lama Choesang, Frances, Brian, Phil and Di.

Tues 8th February from 6.45 for a 7pm start to 8.30pm.
Healing the Mind (part 3):
Exploring the mirror of the Mind with Pete Hulme. 

Following on from our excellent workshop with Pete in December we will continue with the theme of ‘Experiencing consciousness more clearly and understanding it more deeply’.  Most of the evening will be dedicated to this workshop with the addition of some musical interludes and chaired by by Lama Choesang.

Thurs 3rd March from 6.45 for a 7pm start to 8.30pm.
Healing the Mind (part 4):
Skillful means from East to West

Over thousands of years, great sages of the times, have offered skillful ways to still the Mind.  Resting the mind in a measured way is so important for our health. Lama Choesang, Brian, Pete and Karim will offer an evening of skillful ways to still the mind drawn from the world’s spiritual traditions.

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