Charity starts at home

Herefordshire based charity Services for Independent Living (SIL) is committed to helping vulnerable people through the work it does, but it is now able to throw that net a little wider.

Trustees of the not-for-profit organisation have set up a charitable fund, which it hopes will offer some financial help towards those things that will improve someone’s life, but that they may not be able to afford.

But this isn’t all about the people they support! SIL is now inviting organisations that deliver services within the county, and that are experiencing financial difficulties, to apply for a grant to help them deliver their services.

Organisations that wish to apply must have a turnover of less than £500,000 and must deliver services via volunteers. The services should support people who are disadvantaged and live in Herefordshire.

SIL’s Chief Executive Euan McPherson said: “We know the challenges many small volunteer led organisations are facing due to pressures on funding and increases in the cost of delivery.

“We want those who benefit from their services not to miss out, and so hope that any organsiation that meets our criteria and needs a small amount of cash will contact us”.

The process is very simple. Complete an application form and send it to SIL. A panel meets regularly and will assess the application and make the award if it is felt appropriate. In return, the organsation must be willing to prove that funds have been spent in line with the application and be able to provide a summary of what impact the funding has made to them.

Applicants can apply for up to £1,000 in a 12 month period. For an application form, or for more information call 01568 616653 or email:

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