SIL Wins Contract to Deliver Mental Health First Aid Training

Herefordshire charity, Services for Independent Living (SIL), has won a contract to deliver specialist training to Support staff and volunteers in schools across the county.

The Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) training, which will also be open to School Support staff and Holiday, Activity and Food (HAF) providers in the county, is being funded by Herefordshire Council as part of the Covid Recovery Grant.

SIL’s CEO, Euan McPherson, a qualified MHFA instructor, said: “We are delighted to be working with the local authority to deliver this training and welcome the focus on mental health and wellbeing, which we know is an increasingly challenging issue for many.

“SIL has worked for several years delivering MHFA accredited course, not only to its own workforce, but also to a number of organisations across Herefordshire.”

As well as providing a mixture of one day, two day and half day courses, Euan was one of the founders of Hereford Mens Mental Health (HMMH), a group that meets monthly in the city to offer a place of peer support for men who have suffered, or are suffering, with mental health issues.

SIL runs MHFA courses throughout the year, providing accredited, yet affordable, training.

If you would like more information about SIL’s MHFA training or HMMH call 01568 616653, or visit

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