The Big Garden Makeover

When the signage for Services for Independent Living (SIL) disappeared from view behind an abundance of greenery, it was agreed that action was needed to bring the garden at their Leominster office into tip top shape, ready for their annual summer event.

A local contractor was hired to do the work and now, not only does the garden look neat and tidy once again, but visitors to the site can also actually see where they are, because the signs have appeared as if by magic!

Tucked away on the Leominster Enterprise Park, SIL regularly entertains its service users, friends and family to events across the year and this summer is looking forward to hosting an Afternoon Tea Party to mark the Paralympics.

The event takes place on Wednesday, 21st August from 1.30pm – 4.30pm. There is a small charge of £5 for each individual tea box, with all profits going to the Marches Family Network, SIL’s Charity of the Year. If you would like to attend simply ring the office on 01568 616653 to book your space. You will also be given details about how to make your payment.

and after
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