Services for Independent living (SIL) is a charitable company which is required to have members and a Board of Trustees. The Trustees run the company on behalf of the members.
SIL provides services to help disabled and older people remain living in their own home in the way they choose. SIL’s services promote choice, control and independence.
SIL is a values – led organisation working within the guiding principles of:
Partnership working with individuals, groups and organisations to share knowledge and improve outcomes for disabled people
Respect for all
Innovation adapting efficiently and effectively to change and embracing new technology
Diversity to be accepting of all people, both within and outside SIL
Equality for all
Strength-based maximising ability and not being constrained by disability
Our Vision
To enable people affected by disabilities to exercise choice and control, to live independent lives, and to actively participate in society
Our Mission
The provider of choice for individual care and support; empowering people to lead an independent life
Membership Benefits
- Recommend candidates for election to the Board
- Vote for Directors / Trustees
- Become a Director / Trustee
- Receive the SIL Annual Report
- Entitled to receive notice of, attend, speak and vote at all General Meetings
There is no cost to become a member of SIL. As a user led organisation, it is vital that our members have the opportunity to contribute to the development of SIL services which help deal with issues relating to disabled and older people.
The SIL Articles of Association (download available below) are legal documents which give details of what the Charity (SIL) can do and rules about how the Trustees run it. However, if you would prefer a hard copy, please ask and we will be happy to provide you with one.
NB: The SIL constitution states that disabled people, older people and family carers can become Full Members of the organisation with full voting rights. Anyone else who wishes to support SIL can become an Associate Member but with no voting rights, section 9 SIL Articles of Association.