white male wearing a blue jacket sits on a recumbent trike

New Trike Thanks to SIL’s Charitable Fund

A charitable fund launched in August has already helped local volunteer-led cycle club, the 5&10 club, to purchase a new ICE trike.

The fund has been set up by Services for Independent Living (SIL), a local not-for-profit business, that supports disabled people and older people across the county. The fund aims to support its service users and also local voluntary organisations that provide services to vulnerable people in Herefordshire.

Euan McPherson, SIL’s CEO, said: “It was a real joy to meet members and to hand over the trike to the 5&10 Club. The group provides pleasure and friendship to both able and disabled people. The trike will join the fleet of cycles held by the Halo Cycle Hub in Hereford, ensuring that all the health benefits and enjoyment gained from cycling is accessible to all”.

The fund is currently taking applications for grant funding and the process couldn’t be simpler. If your organisation might benefit from some financial support email reception@s4il.co.uk or call the office on 01568 616653, to find out how to apply.

Three men in smart suits and ties hold winners award for mental health

HMMH Scoops Top Award Again!

A peer group which supports men across the county who are experiencing mental health issues has again scooped the top prize at this year’s Hereford Times Health & Social Care Awards.

Hereford Men’s Mental Health (HMMH) was set up in 2020 by Paul Stevens, then the Deputy Mayor of Hereford City Council, and Euan McPherson, Chief Executive of Services for Independent Living (SIL).

Both Paul and Euan have lived experience of poor mental health and recognised that men often feel unable to talk about their feelings and any anxieties, stresses or concerns that affect them. Sadly, suicide is the biggest killer of young men under 40 and so the idea of a group specifically for men, to be held in an informal setting, was born.

The group, which meets twice monthly, has gone from strength to strength, providing a safe environment for men to talk openly to their peers about their feelings, in the knowledge that they will be listened to and not judged.

Judges of the Mental Health Award gave this to HMMH for its “innovative approach of mutual support”. 

Euan McPherson said: “ We are delighted to have been recognised at the Hereford Times Awards in the Mental Health Category, this is the third year running and we were all very surprised and humbled. The group continues to provide peer support for local men when they are struggling with issues to do with mental health and that is obviously important. We would like to thank all those who nominated us.”

The group meets every second and fourth Monday of each month from 5.30pm to 7.30pm. For more details please email: HMMHgroup1@gmail.com or text 07376 727280

Sil building sign clearly visible after ground maintenance work

The Big Garden Makeover

When the signage for Services for Independent Living (SIL) disappeared from view behind an abundance of greenery, it was agreed that action was needed to bring the garden at their Leominster office into tip top shape, ready for their annual summer event.

A local contractor was hired to do the work and now, not only does the garden look neat and tidy once again, but visitors to the site can also actually see where they are, because the signs have appeared as if by magic!

Tucked away on the Leominster Enterprise Park, SIL regularly entertains its service users, friends and family to events across the year and this summer is looking forward to hosting an Afternoon Tea Party to mark the Paralympics.

The event takes place on Wednesday, 21st August from 1.30pm – 4.30pm. There is a small charge of £5 for each individual tea box, with all profits going to the Marches Family Network, SIL’s Charity of the Year. If you would like to attend simply ring the office on 01568 616653 to book your space. You will also be given details about how to make your payment.

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